你是更利的爪 Of claws----you are the
毒蛇的利牙前 Before the sharp fangs of
a deadly snake,
你是更利的牙 Of fangs----you are the
在密得像籠的棘林中 Caught in a dense and cage-like thorny
你就是路 Oh you----you are the
Translated by Wong Pun Ming Chu and Andrew Wong in August
2016, one week before the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Legislative
Council election. This translation is
dedicated to all the freedom and democracy fighters.
. 1. 韓牧 (1938- ) 原籍:澳門 (現居加拿大) 著作:《铅印的詩稿》、 《分流角》 、《伶仃洋》、 《回魂夜》(詩) 、《急水門》 、 《韓牧評論選》
、《梅嫁給楓》等。Han Mu born in Macau currently living in Canada
2. 韓牧: 腰刀 “Han
Mu: The Machete” was published in the 《海洋文藝》 “Ocean
Literary” magazine in October 1974 (vol. 1, no. 4).